Mulvane Emergency Services 1905
110 Years of Volunteer Fire Service ISO Class 3 / 5 Current Weather Conditions at the Mulvane Emergency Services Click on the pictures to enlarge! Click here for the M.E.S. Facebook website. Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
| 2008 M.E.S. News! 2007 News Archives Page! 2009 News Archives Page!
The Year 2008 in Review! M.E.S volunteered over 6,011 hours to the community, saving over $106,154 tax dollars! EMS ran 743 Calls or 2 ambulance calls per Day! Up 36 calls from last year! Mulvane Fire Department Ran 389 Fire Alarms or 1 fire call per day! Mulvane Fire becomes 100% compliant with the International Seatbelt Pledge! Mulvane Fire received a $5,000 grant from the Forestry Service for a wildland nozzle! Mulvane EMS assist’s Belle Plaine by taking over their EMS response area. Mulvane Fire Rescue receives Assistance to Firefighters Grant, $39,100. Mulvane Fire is awarded the 2007 Life Safety Achievement for no loss of life. Mulvane Fire puts new Tender 408 in service~! Mulvane EMS receives new Zoll 12 lead monitors. Mulvane Fire lowers it Rural ISO rating from a 9 to a 5!!! Mulvane EMS receives 100% on it’s Board of EMS inspection! Mulvane Fire Rescue welcomes 6 new members into its ranks in 2006. Congratulations to; Josh Phillips, Adrienne Hillman, Chris Nolan, Jason Bowker, Trent Julius & Gary Kunc. Mulvane EMS welcomes 5 new members. Congratulations to; MICT Chris Shaft, MICT Jeff Johnson, EMT-I Peter Mick, EMT Josh Bowker & EMT Shane Goldwater. Mulvane Fire Reserves welcomes 4 new members! Congratulations to; Landon Hein, Josh Snow, Jed Heersche, & Amanda Kimble.
(December 2008) Pre-Christmas Ice Storm causes multiple MVA's
House Fire This fire came in around 11:30 pm.
Mulvane COOP dryer fire Mulvane Fire deals with several Grain Dryer fires each year at the local COOP. Wet sorghum gets caked up inside the sieves and catches fire.
Mulvane Fire Rescue receive 2008 Fire Act Grant! MFR was awarded $37,134 for Firefighter Safety & Accountability. With this Federal Grant MFR will purchase Survivair R.I.C. Kits with spare SCBA air to hook into a downed firefighter. A new Thermal Imager Camera for the R.I.C. team to use and the inter-TRAX accountability system. The inter-TRAX system include two PDA barcode readers, laptop computer & MDT modem. The inter-TRAX system is being adopted by the South-Central Kansas 19 county homeland security region.
Car fire on the Kansas Turnpike. Driver reported that the rear tire blew out & started the fire.
(November 2008) Sunday morning house fire on November 16th, 2008. Mulvane Fire & EMS assisted with this structure fire in Belle Plaine.
(October 2008)
MVA on I-35 leaves on in critical condition.
Sumner County Fire District #12 receives new ISO Class 5 rating! Click here to review the results of the 2008 ISO Hauled Water Drill.
P-405 upgrades!
Truck vs. Train Only minor injuries, occupants refused transport.
KAKE TV Hatteberg's People - Garry Brownlee Click here to see the interview with Garry!
Structure Fire Listen to the actual radio traffic!
House Fire at 207 Miller.
Mulvane Fire Rescue Open House
Hydrant training
(September 2008) Waterous Pump Training
Lt. Fells & Lt. Kimble assist S/G County #36 Pasture & hale baler fire.
Regional Tender Training in Derby. Capt. Ester, FF Hicks & FF PJ Wright attended this exercise.
Misc. Calls MVA K-15 & Webb MVA K-53 & Railroad underpass, new John Deere seed drill, damage est. $120,000. Overheated bearing in John Deere bailer. MVA on Rock Road with city utility truck. Mutual Aid SUFD #9, van fire. Capt. Ester checks the Arkansas river depth for NWS, due to recent flooding rains.
Mulvane EMS welcomes 4 new members!
Two vehicle MVA on US-81
Mulvane EMS assisting the City of Belle Plaine.
Mulvane EMS receives 100% from State Board of EMS
Mulvane Emergency Services becomes only one of nine departments in Kansas to become 100% compliant with the International Seatbelt Pledge. Special Thanks to Lt. Jason Mundell for his work making this happen. Thanks to all the Department Members for continuing to be safe!~
MVA Rollover on I-35 The singe occupant was ejected from this vehicle and is in extremely critical condition.*
Boot Drive for MDA Mulvane Firefighters raised over $2,250 for MDA on Saturday & Sunday before Labor Day.
(August 2008) Structure Fire
Boat & Water Rescue Training with Derby Fire Department. See more pic's on Garry's new page!
Old Settlers Parade See more pic's on Garry's new page!
National Night Out EMT John Ashlock, MICT Tony Lamb, FF Jon Hicks, FF Mike Wolsey, Reserves Landon Hein & Reserve Jacob Reed party with the neighbors.
(July 2008) Relay pump practice
House Fire
FF Aaron Mattson checks for hot spots with a Thermal Imager Camera.
Morning accident involving a house & a Cadillac.
(June 2008) Photos from the ISO evaluations on 6-6-08. This page will be updated at a later date when final classification is received from the ISO.
MVA 6-26-08 95th & Rock Road More pictures on Garry's page.
MES Photographer Garry Brownlee shot these photos on 6-12-08 of this rotating thunderstorm.
More Severe Thunderstorm damage
Kansas Police & Fire Games
Severe Thunderstorm damage
Water Shuttle Training FF Jimmy Reed & Lt. Kimble observe and time hydrant fills.
EMS LZ Training with Lifeteam Air Ambulance.
(May 2008) MVA on KTA (I-35)
Bedroom Fire This fire was quickly contained to a child's bedroom.
Firefighter 1 Class for 2008
Representative Kansas House District #81, Ted Powers Funeral
Sedgwick County Fire Chief's Regional Training, Viola, KS
(April 2008) K.U.F.S.T Skills Trailer Forcible entry & vertical ventilation skills are practiced. Mulvane Firefighters & Lt. Fells Firefighter 1 class both participated.
Report of an unknown fire. What do you think it was? Flammable liquids were involved.
Afternoon MVA on Turnpike.
Fire Damage limited in cooking fire.
Water shuttle training.
Light ballast overheats at local business.
Main Street Mulvane, "taxpayer" buildings, built in late 1890's.
Fire destroys mobile home. An unattended cooking fire was to blame for this mobile home fire.
(March 2008) Wheat Train Derailment, K-15 & 103rd St. This derailment was within 1/4 mile of December's train collision.
Overturned Semi on the Kansas Turnpike. Semi tractor-trailer hauling red-iron hit the barrier wall and overturned blocking all lanes of traffic on the Turnpike late Sunday night. Traffic was backed up well over a mile for about one hour until KTA could get a loader on scene to clear the roadway. Driver was transported with potentially serious injuries.
Most of the 2008 new member class.
(February 2008) M.E.S. adds two new MICT's to the staff. EMS welcomes one new member, MICT Chris Shaft. Congratulations to FF Scott Standlee on receiving his MICT certification!
EMS replaces Monitors with new Zoll units. Mulvane City Council approved the replacement of our two old troublesome Welch Allen PIC monitors with two new Zoll E series monitors. The new monitors are expected to be in service the first of March. Zoll also included a new AED Plus for the fire department first responders.
FF Aaron Matson & Lt. Fred Heersche cleaning up an anti-freeze spill.
(January 2008) This garage fire appeared to be the result of a faulty wood burning stove. Click here for more pictures, Calls Page Four.
A Mini-Cooper crashes on the Turnpike and rolls down a steep embankment. Lady walked away with a cut to her finger.*
Early morning Jan 1st. car wrecks sends one California man to local trauma center in serious condition.
New Member class now forming!
Firehouse Apparatus Showcase Mulvane Tender 408
Read about the formation of Mulvane Fire Company in 1905. 2002 News Archives Page! 2003 News Archives Page! 2004 News Archives Page! 2005 News Archives Page! 2006 News Archives Page! 2007 News Archives Page! 2009 News Archives Page!
* Thanks to Lieutenant Fred Heersche for his photos! * Photo's by Mike Swope. * Photo's by Lonnie Whisler.
Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
This Web Site created December, 2001. Thanks for visiting!Mulvane Emergency Services Website, 2014, All rights reserved.Send mail to Capt. Lowell Ester with questions or comments about this web site.Last modified: Friday October 18, 2019 |