Mulvane Emergency Services 1905
110 Years of Volunteer Fire Service ISO Class 3 / 5 Current Weather Conditions at the Mulvane Emergency Services Click on the pictures to enlarge! Click here for the M.E.S. Facebook website. Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
| 2006 M.E.S. News! Read about the formation of Mulvane Fire Company in 1905. 2005 News Archives Page! 2007 News Archives Page! Click here for a PowerPoint Presentation of the "Year in Review" from Lt. Kimble (takes a few seconds to load) The Year 2006 in Review! M.E.S volunteered over 6,500 hours to the community, saving over $112,360 tax dollars! 1962 Seagrave "E-408" sold on E-Bay for $6,569.00 in March. 7 M.E.S. personnel receive Safety Officer certifications from National Fire Academy in September. Lt. Mike Fells is Mulvane "Employee of the Month" for October 2006. In June we received a grant from the Forestry Service for new bunker gear! In August Mulvane Fire receives an EMS Grant for 2 new A.E.D.'s ! 2 Firefighters receive Firefighter I certification in May! 100% of the Firefighters now have FF-I certification. M.E.S. received an O.D.P. Grant for TNT Rescue Tools! Firefighters John Andrews, Amy Hoobler, & Lt. Fred Heersche receive First Responder Certifications in May! In August the City received a new Elite Fire Engine "E-401" to replace "E-408"! 8 M.E.S. personnel received NIMS Incident Command certification from the National Fire Academy in October. Capt. Lowell Ester receives Fire Investigator 1 certification from KS State Fire Marshal in September. Mulvane Fire Department received a Fire Act Grant for $105,822 for new protective equipment in November! Congratulations to MICT Chad Maugans who was promoted to EMS Lieutenant in August! Congratulations to resource member Kim Benson who was promoted to a full time Administrative Assistant in June. EMS ran 604 Calls or 11.5 ambulance calls per week! Mulvane Fire Department Ran 311 Fire Alarms or 6 fire calls per week! Mulvane Fire Rescue welcomes 2 new members into its ranks in 2006. Congratulations to; Jimmy Reed & Scott Standlee. Mulvane EMS welcomes 4 new members. Congratulations to; RN Jennifer Pankratz, MICT Renee Moriane, EMT Tyler Parsons & EMT Kyle Masher. Mulvane Fire Reserves welcomes 7 new members! Congratulations to; Jack Diffenbaugh, Kenny Irwin, Whitney Spaulding, Alex Shultz, Adrienne Hillman, Hunter Proctor & Laken Campbell.
(December 2006) Six children escape from a house fire thanks to a smoke detector and the quick actions of the Nanny. The children were all younger than 10 years old. The cause of the fire appeared to be a faulty chimney pipe on a wood burning stove in the basement. For more pictures go to Garry' Pictures 4.
This unlucky subject apparently fell asleep at the wheel. He only received minor facial injuries.
(November 2006) Mulvane Fire Department receives Assistance to Firefighters Grant in Round 4 of 2006. Mulvane Fire Department was notified that it has received a $105,822 federal grant for new fire equipment. $34,000 of this will be used for a new SCBA compressor & fill station. $17,000 will go to 10 new SCBA's and the remaining amount will be used for 23 sets of new Bunker Gear.
(October 2006) Trick or Treat!
MES holds annual Open House. See Garry's Pictures, click here!
Staff Vehicles receive some updated graphics.
(September 2006)
For more photo's, click here.
Fire crews clean up an oil spill after an early morning MVA on Main Street.
(August 2006) EMS receives Grant for two new AED's Mulvane EMS was notified that they had received a state grant for two new AED's from the Kansas Board of EMS. Two new Zoll AED Plus units have been ordered.
MES units in the annual Old Settlers day Parade. For the first time in recent history, the Parade was lead by the Fire Department. See more pictures on Garry's Page #4.
New Fire Engine Arrives, two months ahead of schedule! Salesman Terry Murphy goes over the operation of our new fire engine with members of our department as we test the new hose to be placed on the apparatus.
Mulvane Emergency Services shows their respect during a parade put on by the Mulvane American Legion honoring the Patriot Guard Motorcycle riders. Seven M.E.S. units and 15 personal helped with this event. This is not high angle rescue training! Lt. Heersche is checking our repeater antenna & coax for damage! (July 2006) More factory photo's of Mulvane's new Engine from Elite Fire Apparatus! Truck is going for pump certification Friday July 28th, 2006 and will be delivered to the dealer in Kansas City August 3rd.
More factory photo's of Mulvane's new Engine from Elite Fire Apparatus!
(June 2006) Aerial Training with Derby Fire Department.
MVA on KTA 6-18-06
Pearl Street Structure Fire 6-10-06
Extrication Training Photo's from Big Truck Night
(May 2006) Click here for pictures from a Mutual Aid house fire.
Factory photo's of Mulvane's new Engine from Elite Fire Apparatus!
Sunday Morning Garage Fire
Owner was warming up a pan of oil to fry some chickens on an LP burner. He went inside to prepare the chickens when he noticed smoke outside his window. Somehow the oil ignited and created a fire hot enough to blow the pressure relief valves on two small LP bottles thus creating an jet engine effect. A neighbor noticed the fire and called 911 about the same time. The garage was heavily involved when fire units arrived even though the call was about 1 mile from the station.
MVA involving a Car and a Box Truck kills one and injuries 2 others on the KTA. At approximately 9:05 pm Mulvane Emergency Services received the report of a rollover accident on the Kansas Turnpike just south of the Mulvane interchange. Upon arrival MES Duty Officer Duane McDaniel found a car pinned under a tree and a large box truck. The box truck was rollover on it's side and the passenger compartments of both vehicles were submerged in about of 3 feet of water. We immediately called for Mutual Aid and a Heavy Rescue team from Sedgwick County to assist us with this call. One female victim was removed from the cab of the box truck with minor injuries, she had been in the sleeper unit of the truck and was transported to Trauma Center by Mulvane EMS. Her husband was pinned in the drivers seat and submerged under water. The box truck had to be up-righted and pulled out of the water for the driver to be extricated. The car was almost completely covered by the box truck and a large tree that the truck had pushed over. It was completely submerged in water with the exception of about 6 to 8 inches of air next to the roof. The driver of that vehicle and her dog were alive, but trapped in the car by the tree, the truck and water. Firefighters were able to make a couple cuts on the roof of the car with a sawzall and remove the women & her dog. She was transported by Sedgwick County Medic 21 to a Wichita Trauma Center.
For pictures of the dramatic accident Click Here!
(April 2006)
Mulvane Emergency Services assists Sumner County Dist. #9 with Structure Fire Mulvane units assisted Belle Plaine Fire Dist. #9 with a structure fire at 1:30 am on Sunday 23rd. The report to Mulvane units was that there were person's trapped in the structure. Upon the arrival of the Duty Officer, it was learned that a 92 year old woman had been rescued out of her bedroom window by a couple of friends who were passing by the house. The house had heavy fire involvement when the first units arrived.
(March 2006) Mulvane Fire Rescue orders new Fire Engine! Mulvane City Council approved the low bid of $272,684 for a new commercial pumper. Low bid was from Murphy's Fire & Rescue in Kansas City for an Elite Fire Apparatus (bought by Wolverine in 2008). The 4 door Freightliner has a rescue style body with hydraulic ladder rack, 1,000 gallons water, 20 gallons foam, 1,750 GPM waterous pump, 330 hp Cat motor & elevating light tower. All loose equipment, hose and appliances are included. This new pumper will replace Engine #408, a 1962 Seagrave. Engine #408 was sold on E-bay.
(February 2006) Lobby Pictures
Click here to see more pictures!
M.E.S. Hosts a First Responder Class
Mulvane's first 1st Responder class.
Furnace Fire A malfunctioning heater brought Mulvane Fire Department out to a reported structure fire. Damage was contained to the HVAC unit thanks to the quick work of the firefighters. See more pictures on Garry's Page 3.
(January 2006) Fire Index Danger HIGH! Unusually dry and warm conditions have cause a series of grass fires already this year.*
Mulvane EMS brings on 3 new members! Congratulations to: RN Jennifer Pankratz, MICT Renee Moriane & EMT Kyle Masher. Mulvane gets it's first two Storz Fire Hydrants. City of Mulvane Utility department agreed with Fire Department Staff in 2004 to switch to the new Muller Storz hydrants. The first two hydrants went in this month. Two more Storz hydrants are in the process of being installed at the new Middle School addition. There are no plans to convert the 200+ existing old hydrants to the new Storz pumper fittings, but all new installations will need to conform. General Hydrant requirements. Muller Storz Hydrants.
New Member class now forming!
Fire Instructor 1 class. Mulvane Fire Rescue is also hosting a Fire Instructor 1 training class in March 2006. This class will be held on March 3-4 & 11-12, 2006. Enrollment for this class is also on-line at Kansas Fire & Rescue Training Institute.
Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
This Web Site created December, 2001. Thanks for visiting!Mulvane Emergency Services Website, 2014, All rights reserved.Send mail to Capt. Lowell Ester with questions or comments about this web site.Last modified: Friday October 18, 2019 |