Mulvane Emergency Services 1905
110 Years of Volunteer Fire Service ISO Class 3 / 5 Current Weather Conditions at the Mulvane Emergency Services Click on the pictures to enlarge! Click here for the M.E.S. Facebook website. Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
| M.E.S. News! 2002 News Archives Page! 2004 News Archives Page! The Year 2003 in Review! Web Page for the department has over 4,350 hits! Garry Brownlee is Mulvane "Employee of the Month" for December 2003! The book “Firefighters” is sold nationwide with 3 pictures of M.E.S. in action. Special thanks to our Photographer, Garry Brownlee! Mike Fells is promoted to Lieutenant in October! Volunteered over 10,450 hours to the community, saving the citizens over $124,800! M.E.S. new headquarters is featured online at “Firehouse In Quarters”! We purchased a new fire pump for Tank 406! 8 MES personnel receive Firefighter I certification in September! 55% of the members now have a minimum certification of FF-I Lt. Lowell Ester is hired as Fire Captain in August! In July we received a D.O.J. Grant through Sumner County for Haz-Mat equipment! In June we received a grant from the Forestry Service for Foam Equipment! Mulvane Saddle Club holds its first Annual Benefit "Jackpot Barrel Race" with all proceeds going to M.E.S. Over $1,200 was raised by the Saddle Club this year for M.E.S.! Engine #402 is dedicated in Memory of Ralph Bell! The City of Mulvane held a citywide disaster drill on April 26th! Ran 556 EMS Calls or 10.5 ambulance calls per week! Ran 258 Fire Alarms or 5 fire calls per week! Mulvane Fire Rescue welcomes 5 new members into its ranks in 2003. Congratulations to; Chris Megonigle, Casey Myers, Rob Young, Amy Houston, & Joshua Myers. Mulvane EMS welcomes 7 new members, Congratulations to; MICT Amy David, EMT Jed Rea, MICT Beth Gunter, MICT Keith Niemann, EMT Chris Megonigle, EMT Samie Byers, & EMT Jeremy Martin.
(December 2003) Garry Brownlee is Mulvane "Employee of the Month" for December 2003! Mayor Jim Ford presents M.E.S. Photographer Garry Brownlee a certificate for 25 Mulvane Dollars for being the City Employee of the Month. Garry was nominated by his co-workers for his volunteer contributions to the City as a photographer. Three of Garry's pictures of M.E.S. were recently published in a book "Firefighters". His work can be seen here on many of our web pages. Congratulations Garry!
(October 2003) Mulvane EMS welcomes 2 new members, Congratulations to; EMT Samie Byers, & EMT Jeremy Martin!
It's here! Hot off the press. What makes this book so special? Mulvane Emergency Services has pictures in it of our department in action! Taken and submitted by M.E.S.'s own department photographer Garry Brownlee. One picture is a full page photo of the Hardee's Fire on the Kansas Turnpike. A portion of all of the proceeds will go to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.
M.E.S. holds Open House October 4th, 2003! Check out Garry's Pictures.
Firefighter Mike Fells is promoted to Lieutenant! Lt. Mike Fells Mike has assumed the Lieutenant's position that was left open when Lt. Ester was hired as Captain. Congratulations Mike!
(September 2003) M.E.S. new station is featured this week at Firehouse In Quarters.
Local resident, Terry Knapp, is credited with saving the lives of a couple and their dog from a raging house fire. See pictures of the House Fire taken by Garry. (August 2003) See the pictures of Old Settlers 2003 taken by Garry. M.E.S. answered 20 alarms during this three day weekend of festivities.
Lowell Ester is hired as the new Fire Department Captain. Congratulations to Lt. Lowell Ester on his promotion to Captain. Lowell has assumed the position that was left vacant when Capt. Duane Brill quit to pursue a job with Boeing Fire Department last March. (July 2003) See the new Fire Department Personnel pictures taken by Garry.
Mulvane Fire Rescue receives Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant of $300 from Kansas State Forestry for the purchase of a new Foam Inductor & Foam. This is a 50/50 matching grant, which will allow us to purchase $600 of equipment for our new rural Pumper, E-402.
M.E.S. receives D.O.J. Grant through Sumner County. Mulvane Fire Rescue received a new MSA Orion Multi-Gas Detector from Sumner County Department of Emergency Management. We will now have two trucks equipped with this detector.
(FF-1 Class L-R) Back Row Duane McDaniel, Fred Heersche, Capt. Lowell Ester, Casey Myers, Lt. Joe McDaniel, Pete Welch Front Row Roger Heflin, Instructor Bill Hellard, Ryan Schwatken, Jed Rea, Chris Megonigle. To see more pictures of the M.E.S. Firefighter 1 class, go to the Training Page.
Click here to see some new Building Photo's taken by Garry! (June 2003) M.E.S. responds to a Structure fire at 502 E. Main Street Wednesday afternoon. The fire was apparently caused by a lightning strike to a walnut tree across the street from the residence. The owner was at home at the time and was not hurt. Fire appears to have started in an electrical outlet behind the stove and traveled up the wall. A quick knockdown was attributed to several factors including the fact the station was fully manned. Crews were just returning from storm spotting when the call was received. FF Lane Pearman uses a laser heat sensor to check for fire extension. School mow crews did find a fatality later the next day, a dead squirrel.
Mulvane Saddle Club holds it's first Annual Benefit "Jackpot Barrel Race" with all proceeds going to M.E.S.
M.E.S. shows off it's trucks in the second annual Big Truck Show sponsored by Parents As Teachers. (May 2003) Mulvane Historical Society opens it's new web page. Read more about Mulvane Fire Department's history!
M.E.S. receives its new sign! Mulvane Fire Rescue welcomes 5 new members into its ranks. (Left to Right) Lt. Bobby Kimble Instructor, Casey Myers, Aaron Sturgeon SUFD#9, Chris Megonigle & Rob Young. Not Pictured Amy Houston & Joshua Myers. Congratulations to; Chris Megonigle, Casey Myers, Rob Young, Amy Houston, & Joshua Myers. Lt. Kimble and New Member Class going over the IFSTA Essentials Manual. Mulvane EMS welcomes 3 new members, Congratulations to; MICT Beth Gunter, MICT Keith Niemann & EMT Chris Megonigle! (April 2003) Dedication of Engine #402 in memory of Ralph Bell.
Sumner County Fire District #12 Board Members. (L to R) Harry Sutton, Jim Cunningham, Rhonda Parker, Jim McDaniel, Steve Firkins, & Art Carlton. Not pictured Marvin Jelinek.
The City of Mulvane held citywide disaster drill on April 26th. Go to Garry's Picture page.
FF/EMT Aaron Mattson attending extrication exercise. Check out pictures of our annual Extrication Recertification, April 2003. (March 2003) Barn Fire pictures from 3/7/03. This barn was fully involved upon arrival. E-402 put up a fog stream to protect a propane tank. See more pictures here!
Fire Captain Duane Brill has resigned his position with Mulvane Emergency Services. Captain Brill has taken a position with Boeing Fire Rescue in Wichita, KS. Duane will stay on the department as a volunteer serving both Fire and EMS divisions. The Department wishes Duane the best. Chief Patterson hopes to have this position filled by May 13th. (January 2003) Mulvane EMS welcomes 2 new members, Congratulations to; MICT Amy David, & EMT Jed Rea! Miscellaneous Pictures 2003
EMT John Ashlock retrieves equipment from A-350 as Lt. Joe McDaniel & Lt. Bobby Kimble get vehicle information at a MVA. R-407 crew sets up a Helicopter Landing Zone. Capt. Lowell Ester enjoys lunch with the students at W. D. Munson Primary School during Fire Prevention week. A-351 works a MVA on the Kansas Turnpike.
Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
This Web Site created December, 2001. Thanks for visiting!Mulvane Emergency Services Website, 2014, All rights reserved.Send mail to Capt. Lowell Ester with questions or comments about this web site.Last modified: Friday October 18, 2019 |