Mulvane Emergency Services 1905
110 Years of Volunteer Fire Service ISO Class 3 / 5 Current Weather Conditions at the Mulvane Emergency Services Click on the pictures to enlarge! Click here for the M.E.S. Facebook website. Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
| M.E.S. News! Read about the formation of Mulvane Fire Company in 1905. 2004 News Archives Page! 2006 News Archives Page! The Year 2005 in Review! Web Page for the department had over 9,189 hits! M.E.S. volunteered over 8,405 hours to the community, saving the citizens over $114,812.00! 7 M.E.S. personnel receive STICO certifications from National Fire Academy. Mulvane Fire Department Celebrates it's 100th Anniversary! Lt Jason Mundell is Mulvane "Employee of the Month for October 2005 and is Wichita Firefighter of the Year ! In June we received a grant from the Forestry Service for a new pump! Mulvane EMS receives new 12 lead EKG Monitors! 7 M.E.S. personnel receive Firefighter II certification in May! 65% of the members now have FF-II certification. EMT’s Jed Rea & Brandy Williams receive MICT Certifications in May! MES received an O.D.P. Grant for a MSA Infrared Camera! Garry Brownlee is Mulvane "Employee of the Month" for May 2005! Firefighter Fred Heersche is promoted to Lieutenant! Lt. Bobby Kimble is promoted to Safety & Training! Police Chief Dave Williams is promoted to "Director of Emergency Services" In March, Fire District #12 received their new brush truck to replace P-409! 14 M.E.S. personnel received Haz-Mat Operations certification in February. EMS ran 554 Calls or 10.5 ambulance calls per week! Mulvane Fire Department Ran 325 Fire Alarms or 6 fire calls per week! Mulvane Fire Rescue welcomes 4 new members into its ranks in 2005. Congratulations to; Mike Woolsey, Jayson Williams, Mike Byers, & Kyle Boyd. Mulvane EMS welcomes 4 new members. Congratulations to; EMT Ashley Kichler, MICT Terry Griffin, MICT Mike Turner & MICT Mike Pankratz. (December 2005) New Member class now forming!
Fire Instructor 1 class. Mulvane Fire Rescue is also hosting a Fire Instructor 1 training class in March 2006. This class will be held on March 3-4 & 11-12, 2006. Enrollment for this class is also on-line at KU Fire Service Training. First Responder Class. A First Responder class will be starting at M.E.S. on January 2nd, 2006.
E-402 in Mulvane's first ever Christmas Parade! (November 2005) MVA, 11-19-05
Fast, economical, capable trucks for modern fire fighting. February 8th, 1928 Fire Engineering magazine shows an advertisement for the International Harvester Company. Pictured is a fire engine for Hays, Kansas (L) and Mulvane Fire Department Engine #1. This ad was recently (10-2005) brought to our attention from a member of the Hays Fire Department. Fire Engineering Magazine was kind enough to research it for us and send us a copy of the advertisement.
(October 2005) Trick or Treat!
STICO Class Mulvane Fire Department hosted a N.F.A. "Strategies and Tatics for the Initial Company Officer class". Instructor for this two day class was Dave Matthews from Sedgwick County Fire Department. Seven Mulvane firefighters attended the class along with 12 firefighters from surrounding agencies.
Early Morning Barn Fire Firefighters work to contain a fully involved barn fire. The call came in at 2:30 am Oct. 19th for a shed on fire. Units found a 46 x 85 metal barn full engulfed upon arrival. Mutual aid tenders were requested from Udall and Belle Plaine. Click to see more pictures!
An estimated 300 people stopped by for the Fire Departments open house Saturday, October 15th. This was the end of a very successful fire prevention week. Fire Department personnel lead by Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Fred Heersche visited Mother's Day Out Daycare, Learn & Grow Daycare, Munson Primary School and Mulvane Grade School. The Open House was special this year due to the fact that the Fire Service was officially appointed by the Mulvane City Council on December 5th, 1905. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Soda Pop were served to all that stopped by...until we ran out! New display rack with fire helmets through the years!
Lieutenant Jason Mundell named "City Employee of the Month" and "Wichita Firefighter of the Year"! Jason was nominated by his co-workers for City Employee of the Month for October 2005 due to the many hours he donates to Mulvane Emergency Services. Most recently he was involved in designing new department T-shirts celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Mulvane Fire Department. Jason also help organize the Old Settler's day activities and parade, which unfortunately was rained out. Jason also received the coveted "Firefighter of the Year" and two "Medals of Valor" from his primary employer, Wichita Fire Department. Congratulations to Lt. Mundell. Jason received 25 Mulvane Dollars which can be spent with any local Mulvane merchant. (September 2005) P-409 on Apparatus Showcase. MVA on Kansas Turnpike leaves on in Critical Condition.*
Click to see pictures from the 2005 Benefit Barrel Racing.
(August 2005) Congratulations Samie! Mulvane's MICT/Firefighter Samie Byers receives a Spotlight Award for her work with Butler County EMS.
Click to see more pictures from a Vehicle Fire.
Mulvane Emergency Services at the scene of a MVA on the Kansas Turnpike. Two trauma patients were transported after their vehicle slammed into the center divider.* Firefighter Amy Hoobler practices with foam application during training.* Mulvane Fire Rescue assists Sumner County Dist. #9 with a grass fire which caught a garage on fire. Fire was compounded by many old tires which caught fire also. Foam was used to help extinguish the fires.*
MVA on US-81, car caught fire and was extinguished by passing truck driver. Driver was transported to a Trauma Center.*
(July 2005)
Lt. Kimble preparing to call 911 as Capt. Ester wires up a ceiling fan in the Training Room.
Mulvane Wildcats 2006 Football Team Seniors!
Pictures of a storm front as it moves into Mulvane 7-3-2005. It had a history of 88 mph winds.*
(June 2005) 2005 EMS Staff Photo
(May 2005) Friday the 13th, 7:30 am. It appears the green Chevy pickup crossed the center line and struck the maroon Dodge pickup nearly head-on at highway speeds. Both drivers were dead at the scene. It took 20 minutes to extricate the driver on the maroon pickup and 40 minutes to extricate the driver in the green pickup.
May was M.V.A. month. Ambulance 450 & V-455 responding to a MVA. You can always RETAKE A CLASS, but you can't always re-live a PARTY, found in the car of a MVA accident at 4:30 am.*
New Command board built in V-455. Has both 450 Mhz radio & 800 Mhz radio. Thanks to John Andrews for his powder coating paint job and Steve Kohr for the sandblasting.
Firefighter II Class (L-R) P.J. Wright, Rocky Jones, Rick Brown, Jason Mundell, Mike Fells Instructor, Duane McDaniel, Aaron Mattson, Luke Rivera 10 members of Mulvane Fire Rescue just completed a Firefighter II class sponsored by M.E.S. taught by Lt. Mike Fells. Congratulations! Mulvane Fire Rescue now has 80% of the department trained to Firefighter 1 and 60 % at Firefighter II.
Congratulations to Jed Rea & Brandy Williams. M.E.S.'s two newest MICTs!
Garry Brownlee is Mulvane "Employee of the Month" for May 2005! Mayor Jim Ford presents Garry Brownlee a certificate for 25 Mulvane Dollars for being the City Employee of the Month. Garry was nominated by his co-workers for his volunteer contributions to M.E.S. Garry custom built seven wooden map frames and three wooden truck consoles. Garry is also the department photographer and much of his work can been seen here on our web pages. Garry was awarded "Employee of the Month" in December 2003 for his contributions in the book "Firefighters" in which a portion of the proceeds went to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Congratulations Garry!
(April 2005) Changes within the Ranks! Firefighter Fred Heersche is promoted to Lieutenant. Firefighter Fred Heersche has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Fred will be assigned to the "C" team. Fred will remain our Fire Prevention Officer also. We wish Lt. Heersche the Best of Luck! Lieutenant Bobby Kimble new Safety & Training Officer. Lt. Bobby Kimble has been re-assigned from "B" Team to a newly created position of Safety & Training Lieutenant. Lt. Kimble will be the new Training Officer and will be overseeing the policies & practices of the Safety Officers. Gods Speed to Lt. Kimble! Reserve Advisor Steve Kohr appointed Resource Crew Leader. Firefighter Steve Kohr who has been the Reserve Advisor for many years is now the Resource Crew Leader. Adding to his duties of Training the Reserves, Steve will now also be over the Resource team. Steve will be reporting to Lt. Kimble. Lieutenant Jason Mundell who was over the Resource Team will now be over the "B" team. Lieutenant Mike Fells will remain over the "A" team. Congratulations to everyone. (L-R) Lt. Fred Heersche, Lt. Jason Mundell, Lt. Mike Fells, Capt. Lowell Ester, Lt. Bobby Kimble, Chief Dave Williams. (March 2005) Dave Williams is appointed Director of Public Safety. Police Chief Dave Williams was appointed by the Mulvane City Council to become Mulvane first Director of Public Safety. Chief Williams main role is that of administrative duties with Fire Operations being handled by Captain Lowell Ester & EMS Operations being handled by Captain Karen Zorn. We welcome Chief Williams into our department.
Mulvane Fire Rescue welcomes the 2005 New Member Class! (L-R) Back Mike Byers, Jason Williams, Casey Stegner, Mike Woolsey Front; Kyle Boyd, Matt Kirby (Reserve) Congratulations Guys!
Mulvane Fire Rescue receives Thanks to Fire District #12 and the City of Mulvane, MFR now has a new 2005 Ford F-350 Supercab Brush Truck. The custom built unit was manufactured for us by First Due out of Bartlett, KS. Pickup 409 has a 300 gallon water tank with a 250 GPM Hale pump. Special features include two 1" forestry lines, dual spray nozzles on the front bumper, 150' 1 3/4" pre-connect line, 100' 1" booster line, and storage compartments which includes a cross bed compartment for storing pike poles, rakes & shovels.
(February 2005) Haz-Mat Operations Class In cooperation with Kansas Department of Emergency Management, Mulvane Emergency Services hosted a Hazardous Materials Operations class. 14 members of Mulvane Emergency Services received this training.
(January 2005) Firefighter Amy Hoobler is shown helping a fellow Firefighter at our annual SCBA Fit Testing.
Second structure fire for the New Year hits on January 25th, 2005. Mulvane Firefighters quickly extinguish this house fire. Fire was contained to the exterior, garage and the attic. Click for more pictures.
First structure fire for the New Year hits on January 11th, 2005. FF Rick Brown checks for extension in the hallway. FF Fred Heersche examines junction box where the fire is believed to have started, this is also where a firefighter fell through the floor. Click for more pictures.
Congratulations to Chris Megonigle & Samie Byers. M.E.S.'s two newest MICTs!
*Thanks to Lieutenant Fred Heersche for his photos!
Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
This Web Site created December, 2001. Thanks for visiting!Mulvane Emergency Services Website, 2014, All rights reserved.Send mail to Capt. Lowell Ester with questions or comments about this web site.Last modified: Friday October 18, 2019 |