Mulvane Emergency Services 1905
110 Years of Volunteer Fire Service ISO Class 3 / 5 Current Weather Conditions at the Mulvane Emergency Services Click on the pictures to enlarge! Click here for the M.E.S. Facebook website. Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
| 2007 M.E.S. News! 2006 News Archives Page! 2008 News Archives Page! Click here for a PowerPoint Presentation of the "Year in Review" from Lt. Kimble (takes a few seconds to load) The Year 2007 in Review!
M.E.S volunteered over 6,985 hours to the community, saving over $120,910.35 tax dollars! Mulvane City Council adopts the 2006 International Fire Code. EMS ran 707 Calls or 2 ambulance calls per Day! Up 103 calls from last year! Mulvane Fire Department Ran 387 Fire Alarms or 1 fire call per day! Up 76 calls from last year! In June we received a grant from the Forestry Service for a remote control wildland nozzle, $4,800! M.E.S. received an O.D.P. Grant for TNT Rescue Ram, $1,200! Mulvane Fire Rescue receives new Bauer Unicus III SCBA Compressor from Fire Act Grant, $36,000. In December, Fire District #12 received a new 3,000 Tender, T-408! Mulvane EMS takes Delivery of a new MED-TEC Ambulance~! Major flooding in May 2007, 4" in 1 hour. M.E.S. Photographer Garry Brownlee's work displayed at Art Gallery in Wichita. Mulvane Fire Rescue welcomes 6 new members into its ranks in 2006. Congratulations to; Mark Townsend (aka; Kevin or Mike), Timothy Baca, Thaine (from Mulvane) Barnes, Jed Rea, Jon Hicks, & Travis Patterson. Mulvane EMS welcomes 4 new members. Congratulations to; GaraLee Haskins, Dan Clark, Brad Klein, Shawn Lamm, Tony Lamb, Cole Mitchell & Keith Nieman. Mulvane Fire Reserves welcomes 6 new members! Congratulations to; Trent Julius, Cassandra Walls, Jacob Reed, Brandon Clark, Jessica Ray & Trevor Shelton.
(December 2007) Two trains collide. Two transported to trauma centers in serious condition, more pictures here.
Freezing rain caused several accidents like this one on the KTA for morning comuters! *
Mulvane Pickup 409 assists Sumner County Fire District #9 on a grass & trash fire. The fire which was left unattended started grass on fire & had burned up to several cars, piles of tires & an old outbuilding. Belle Plaine PD Officers managed to stop the fire spread and contain the fire until fire crews could arrive & extinguish the fire.
Mulvane Emergency Services delivers Santa Claus to Main Street in the Annual Christmas Parade.
Mulvane Fire receives O.D.P. Grant for new TNT extrication ram. The Fire Department has received a new TNT 40" extrication ram from Sumner County O.D.P. monies to be used with Engine 401. E-401 has a TNT pump, 100' reel & combination cutter/spreader that was purchased last year with Sumner County O.D.P. monies. This ram completes the extrication equipment carried on E-401.
(November 2007) Tender Training Pictures
Mulvane EMS welcomes 7 new members! Mulvane EMS hired EMT GaraLee Haskins, EMT Dan Clark, EMT-I Brad Klein, EMT-I Shawn Lamm, MICT Tony Lamb, MICT Cole Mitchell & MICT Keith Nieman.
Mulvane Fire Reserves welcomes 5 new members! Cassandra Walls, Jacob Reed, Brandon Clark, Jessica Ray & Trevor Shelton.
Fire District #12 receives new Tender.
2:30 am house fire, all occupants were able to safely exit the home. Fire was confined to the room of origin. Fire might have been caught sooner if the home had working smoke detectors!
Sometimes we bring our livestock trailers with us also!
(October 2007) House Fire Fire units made a quick stop on this house fire, more pictures here.
Wichita Disaster Drill Mulvane Engine 401 assists in a major disaster drill in Wichita, more pictures here.
During Fire Prevention, week 4th graders get to watch their teachers battle it out with the fire hoses.
(September 2007) Funeral for Lt. Bryon Johnson, Sept. 2007 Remember: EVERYONE GOES HOME
Mulvane EMS takes Delivery of a new MED-TEC Ambulance~!
(August 2007) Old Settlers Parade Several fire units once again participated in the parade.
Water Rescue training held at new Mulvane City Water Park. For more pictures go to our training page.
Mulvane Fire Department awarded Forestry Grant. Mulvane Fire was awarded a $5,000 Forestry Grant in June to purchase an Elkhart Sidewinder Remote Control Monitor nozzle for T-406. The equipment was received last week and was installed by Capt. Lowell Ester, Lt. Jason Mundell & FF John Andrews.
(July 2007) MVA leaves three victims pinned in the wreckage. 4 persons injured and 2 dead at the scene. This is the third accident at this intersection, US 81 & K-53, since April 2007, see below. 2 Dead, 3 Hurt in Accident Near Mulvane KAKE video
Can you find the code violations in these pictures? **
(June 2007) Laundry Mat Fire Third clothes dryer fire in this Laundry Mat in the last 18 months.
(May 2007) Body Recovery One of the more unpleasant tasks of our job. Derby Fire assisted us with their boat for the recovery of a body from the Arkansas River. Homeowners walking their dogs found the body floating in some trees 30 feet off the river bank. The body had been in the river for several days.
Early morning Car vs. House Then driver of vehicle was extricated and transported to a Wichita Trauma Center. The car appeared to still be accelerating as it struck the porch of this residence. Major damage was done to both the car and the house. The front porch was destroyed, roof supports gone and the foundation leveled. Debris was thrown into the resident's parked cars and all the front windows of the home were broke out as well as some damage to interior sheetrock.
LODD Rose Hill Firefighter dies in car accident en-route to structure fire. Be sure and listen to the last alarm.mpg Remember: EVERYONE GOES HOME
The Flood of 2007! 5.52 inches of rain fell in 3 hours, however 4" of this amount fell in the first hour between 16:45 hrs and 17:45 hrs. Access North & South through town was completely cut off at one point. K-53 highway was closed at either city limit with water over the road in multiple places. Only K-15 highway was completely passable through the City. Link to Arkansas River gauge at Mulvane.
Car Fire Engine compartment fire on a 1978 Ford LTD.
(April 2007) Yet another MVA at US-81 & K-53
MES Photographer Garry Brownlee's work displayed at Art Gallery in Wichita. Garry Brownlee was the featured artist for the Final Friday art exhibit at the Bruce Ward Gallery in Wichita. His work will remain on display for the month of May. Many of Garry's pictures that are usually displayed at the Fire Station were on display as well as a couple new works. An exciting new exhibit called Firehouse Photos, Photojournalism by Garry Brownlee, will open on Final Friday, April 27, 2007, at 7:00 pm, at Bruce Ward Photos, 239 S. Pattie, Wichita, KS. The opening reception is from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm and features food, drink and entertainment/color>.
MVA causes minor injuries, snarls traffic with downed power lines and a leaking transformer. US-81 & K-53, both patients refused treatment. The transformer is leaking oil as well as live power lines across the road.
Busy week as Mulvane Fire Rescue quickly extinguishes a second house fire in two days.
MVA leaves one man critical and three more with less serious injuries. One patient was pinned in this two car accident.
One man narrowly escapes a house fire by crawling out attic window onto porch roof. A 10 minute mix-up with the address at Sedgwick County 911 caused a delayed response by Mulvane Emergency Services. The home was fully involved upon fire units arrival. Poor weather conditions with heavy snowfall & over 2" of rain caused egress problems on muddy roads. Mutual Aid tenders were requested from Udall, Sumner County Fire District #9 and Sedgwick County. For more pictures click here.
MVA claims 2 lives, 4 others injured.
A four vehicle accident in a road construction zone leaves 3 people pinned in the wreckage. A Rescue truck from Udall and an EMS unit from Sedgwick County assist Mulvane crews with extrication & patient care.
Thanks to an old member, Fred Tefft, a couple of new pictures of old trucks have surfaced. The first one in Tender #1, a 2,500 gallon tanker that was retired in the early 1980's. The other is Engine #5 which was retired in late 1980's. Click here for more information about these old trucks.
(March 2007) Mulvane Fire Rescue receives new Bauer Unicus III Compressor from Fire Act Grant. Some difficulties were discovered in removing the 4,300 lb compressor from the front of the Fed Ex delivery truck. After much effort, the compressor was moved into the SCBA room and is now in service. The new Bauer Unicus III compressor is a 6,000 psi, 10 cfm compressor with 4 ASME bottles. This replaces the 1978 Bauer 3.6 CFM, 2,200 psi compressor that has been in use for the last 29 years. This new compressor cost over $36,000 dollars with the Fire Act grant paying for $34,000 of the cost.
Training Photos
Mulvane City Council adopts the 2006 International Fire Code. Mulvane City Council voted to adopt the 2006 versions of the IBC, IEC, IPC, IMC, & IFC, updating from the 2000 version.
Congratulations to the 2007 Fire Department Probie Class! 6 new members join the ranks of Mulvane Finest! (L-R) Mark Townsend (aka; Kevin or Mike), Timothy Baca, Thaine (from Mulvane) Barnes, Jed Rea, Jon Hicks, Instructors Lt. Kimble & Lt. Mundell Not pictured, Travis Patterson For more pictures, click here to go to the Training page!
(February 2007) Delivery truck fire, hauling new appliances.
EMS purchases of a new MedTec Ambulance. City Council members approved the purchase of a new Type III ambulance from Midwest Vehicles Professionals for $101,300. Delivery is expected in about 6 months.
Sumner County Fire District #12 approves the purchase of a Tender for Mulvane Fire Rescue. Fire Board members approved the purchase of a 2000 Freightliner from A-Plus trucking to be built into a 3000 gallon tender. The truck cost was $28,000 and Emergency Fire Equipment in Mayfield will build the rest of the apparatus for approximately $45,000.
(January 2007)
Snowstorm on the 20th causes a series on minor accidents.
MVA on I-35
New Member class now forming!
1.) Obstructed Fire hydrant, 3' clear space. 2.) No burning of trash in the city. 3.) Obstructed Fire hydrant, 3' clear space.
Read about the formation of Mulvane Fire Company in 1905. 2002 News Archives Page! 2003 News Archives Page! 2004 News Archives Page! 2005 News Archives Page! 2006 News Archives Page! 2008 News Archives Page! 2009 News Archives Page!
*Thanks to Lieutenant Fred Heersche for his photos! |
Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
This Web Site created December, 2001. Thanks for visiting!Mulvane Emergency Services Website, 2014, All rights reserved.Send mail to Capt. Lowell Ester with questions or comments about this web site.Last modified: Friday October 18, 2019 |