Mulvane Emergency Services 1905
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| Mulvane Fire Department 100 Years! Click on the Blue dates to see the original handwritten council minutes. Be sure to read the History Page! City of Mulvane Council Minutes Volume #1 May 5th, 1905 Mr. Pomeroy introduced the question of fire extinguishers which was discussed at some length and by vote of the council we referred to J.S. Payne and R.E. Michener as a Committee to the City and ascertain the wishes of the people. May 19th, 1905 The Committee on Fire Protection reported that a majority of people interviewed are in favor of some kind of protection. The Committee was continued with instructions to obtain prices on hand machines. July 7th, 1905 Motion was made, seconded & carried that the Fire Committee purchase 12 Patrol Fire Extinguishers. Oct. 20th, 1905 Moved & seconded that city buy a Chemical Fire Engine, Motion Carried. Mr. Pomeroy then made a proposition on a 2- 35 gallon cylinder Fire Extinguishers with a 40 gallon single engine for $950.00. Moved and seconded that we purchase the $700 machine now provided that Mr. Pomeroy would guarantee the privilege of purchase the #4 machine at $250.00 at some future time. Mr. Pomeroy agreed to said condition. The motion carried unanimously. Moved, seconded & carried that the Mayor and Clerk is here by instructed to sign the agreement for 1 American LaFrance Fire Engine.
Nov. 3rd, 1905 By vote of the council, the Mayor appointed G.A. Blair, J.B. Citizen, and R.E. Michener as a Committee to find a location for the Chemical Fire Extinguisher. Nov. 17th, 1905 The Committee on a Room for Fire Extinguishers reported progress and were continued for further action. Dec. 1st, 1905 The Mayor then appointed Geo. Howard as Fire Marshall and J.L. Nessly as Assistant Fire Marshall. Said appointments were duly confirmed by vote of Council and the Fire Marshall was instructed to select such persons on Fire Company Roll as he thought best and report at the next meeting. Moved, seconded, and carried that the Fire Marshall and Assistant procure necessary ladders and other equipment as necessary for Fire Company. Dec. 15th, 1905 The Committee on Fire Apparatus report progress. The Mayor with consent of the council then appointed R.E. Michener and G.A. Blair as a permanent Fire Committee. Dec. 21st, 1905 On call of the Mayor S. F. Field, the council meet in Special Session and the following request was made. You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the city council for the purpose of accepting the Chemical Fire Engine and issue City Warrants in payment of same as per contract. Signed Geo. Howard, J.S. Payne, Geo. A Blair, and R.E. Michener. Mr. Pomeroy being present stated that Engine was here complete. Moved and seconded that the Engine be accepted. Motion Carried. The bill for the Engine was $700.00 in favor of American LaFrance Fire Engine Co. was then entered an ordinance #134 to appropriate money from the City Treasury in payment of the same as follows.
January 5th, 1906 A building for the Fire Engine was then discussed to some length and it was moved and seconded that Mayor S.L. Field, a Councilman, and a Citizen constitute a committee to inspect the Dickerson Building and report as to its condition, value, and the advisability of purchasing same at $1,500. Motion Carried. Moved & seconded that the City purchase above building at the price named provided the committee report favorable on condition & value. Motion Carried. January 9th, 1906 The Committee appointed to examine the Dickerson Building report that they have examined same and find the condition good and the value equal to price asked $1,500 and would report favorable on purchase of same by City. Moved, second, and carried that the Mayor and Finance Committee constitute a committee to see as to the floating the necessary funds to purchase the building, not to exceed $1,600. July 22nd, 1918 Mulvane Volunteer Fire Department charters with the State of Kansas to become a "not for profit" corporation. This enabled the receipt of Firefighter Relief Funds from the State Insurance Office. Dec. 30th, 1926 Mulvane Volunteer Fire Department buys it's first motorized Fire Engine, a 1927 IH Boyer Fire Engine. This was known as Engine #1.
Here are some of the U.S. statistics for the Year 1905:
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