Mulvane Emergency Services 1905
110 Years of Volunteer Fire Service ISO Class 3 / 5 Current Weather Conditions at the Mulvane Emergency Services Click on the pictures to enlarge! Click here for the M.E.S. Facebook website. Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
| M.F.R. Training Page 2
Disaster Drill in Wichita October 2007 Initial response to an explosion & building collapse. First assignment, rescue two women trapped out a second floor window. E-401 crew was Capt. Lowell Ester, Lt. Jason Mundell, FF Jon Hicks, FF Mike Woolsey & Reserve Josh Phillips. Rest of the drill, carry off the wounded. South Division Command was assigned to Lt. Jason Mundell. EMS Treatment area, Samie is working for Butler County today.
Relay Pumping Operations August 2007
Pump and Hoseline Operations June 2007
2007 New Member Class Feb. 2007
(L-R) Mark Townsend (aka; Kevin or Mike), Timothy Baca, Thaine (from Mulvane) Barnes, Jed Rea, Jon Hicks, Instructors Lt. Kimble & Lt. Mundell Not pictured, Travis Patterson
Water Tanker Shuttle Exercise with Sedgwick County Fire Station #36 See more photo's on Garry Pictures page. Saturday Training exercise with Sedgwick County Fire Department. Our goal was to supply 250 gpm for 2 hours. E-402 starting pumping a 200' 2 1/2" hand line within 5 minutes, T-412 & T-406 both came in and set up their dump tanks. Sedgwick County Tender #36 was allowed to come in and dump 15 minutes into the drill. The trucks traveled about 1/2 mile back to hydrants. Annual Extrication Recertification April 2003 Resting after a successful extrication! (L-R) Brian DIller, Aaron Mattson, Talon Pyeatt, Dave Arthur, and Mike Fells. (2nd Pic Front) Judi Patterson and EMT John Ashlock taking a break! Firefighters take turns practicing with hand tools while second crew works with the Hurst tool. Safety Officer Duane McDaniel removes a windshield with an axe, then Steve Kohr cuts on "A" posts with a sawzall. The City of Mulvane allowed Mulvane Fire Rescue personnel to practice Rescue and Ventilation drills on this condemned structure before it was demolished. Firefighters gather around Instructor Lane Pearman as he critiques a Structure Fire Drill on 3-20-2002. Lt. Joe McDaniel gets a boost as he enters the structure from a side window. Lt. Jason Mundell catches some air as he awaits rescue from the smoke filled structure while firefighters cut a new doorway below an existing window. Firefighter Allen Ralstin attends to a victim who bailed out of a bedroom window to escape the smoke. Engine 403 pumps a master stream (1991).
Yearly water rescue training class held at the city pool (1998).
More Structure Fire Training, 7-18-2002! Instructor Lane Pearman gives pre-exercise instructions to the firefighters. Firefighters don SCBA's and make entry into a donated house. House was filled with smoke from a smoke generator and firefighters practice searching the structure. Instructor Lane Pearman watches a firefighter prepares to make entry to the house through a window.
Listen live to Mulvane Fire & EMS
This Web Site created December, 2001. Thanks for visiting!Mulvane Emergency Services Website, 2014, All rights reserved.Send mail to Capt. Lowell Ester with questions or comments about this web site.Last modified: Friday October 18, 2019 |