pictures to enlarge)

The Year 2013 in Review!
EMS ran 831 calls with 853
patients or 2.3 ambulance
calls per Day!
Mulvane Fire Rescue ran 408 Fire Alarms or 1.1 fire call per
Mulvane Fire Rescue raises $4,000 for MDA in boot drive!
Mulvane EMS
adds the Striker Power Cot load system in all three Ambulances!
Mulvane Fire Rescue received a $2,250 grant from the Forestry Service for a
foam system on P-409!
Fire Rescue receives a new Toyne Heavy Rescue Truck.
Construction starts on new west Fire & EMS substation at Kansas Star Casino.
Mulvane EMS adds a new
Captain's Tahoe.
Fire Prevention crews visited approximately 600 children in 4
preschools and grades Pre-K thru 2 this year.
Mulvane Fire Rescue
welcomes 6 new
into its
Congratulations to:
FF/EMT Caleb Hatfield, FF Matt Rhodes, FF David Dieker, FF Matt Wilson, FF/EMT
Ruben Cornwell & FF Jordan Horner.
Mulvane EMS welcomes 7 new Paramedics.
Congratulations to;
Brian Sleffel, Kerry Hull, Traci Rosendale, Heron Juarez, Kevin Stoll, Gabe
Ponce & Rocky Bumgarner.
Mulvane EMS welcomes AEMT;
Mulvane Fire Reserves welcomes 2 new member!
Congratulations to:
Kyle Andrews & Larissa Ester.

(November 2013)
KSFFA Firewire
FD New Member class now forming.
Mulvane Fire Rescue is especially
interested in volunteers living West of the Arkansas River for
staffing Station #2 which will open February 2014.
Please fill out the attached
application and return to Capt. Lowell Ester by December 24th.
Application Here!
Frequently Ask Questions!
New Foam system installed on
Pickup 409 thanks to a Forestry
(October 2013)
West Fire & EMS sub-station #2 falls a little behind schedule,
opening date now projected for February 2014.

New Rescue 410 has arrived and went into service October 31st.

Lt. Mundell sprays foam from the Tri-max CAFS system.
(August 2013)
Mulvane Firefighters raise over
$4,000 for MDA!
Old Settlers day Parade!
EMS Fleet, August 2013
New Rescue
Cab & Chassis arrives at the
Toyne factory,
construction begins on a new rescue truck!
Autoaid Barn Fire
to Sedgwick County.

Suspicious House Fire on 130th Ave.

House Fire to Derby, with one exposure fire.

(June 2013)
Autoaid to Derby for
a building fire.

More pictures here....
Storm Damage
for strong windstorm, winds reported up to 89 mph.

More pictures here....
wheat field fire, mutual aid to Cowley County FD #4, Udall

More pictures here....
Concrete work
on floors and walls starts for MES new Sub-Station 2 at Kansas Star

More pictures here....

- An old Fire Rating map lists
the following information for Mulvane in December 1911:
- Population 1,100
- Water Facilities
– Gravity system, 50,000 gal. water tank elev. 90’, bottom of
tank about 110’ above business District. 1-Deane triplex pump
(size 8”x8”) capacity 350 gals per minute. Run by 30 HP Stover
gas engine. Water supply from 3 – 8” & 2 – 6” well 38’ deep.
Average daily consumption 70,000 gallons, 4 miles of 8”, 6” & 4”
cast iron mains. Laid in May 1911, 35 double barrel hydrants.
- Fire Department
– 35 volunteer members, 2 hand
reels, 1000’ of 2.5 C.R.L. (cotton, rubber lined) hose. 4 – 3
gallon chemical ext., 1 chemical cart with 2-60 gallons
chemicals, 1 H & L (hook & ladder) wagon. Fire Alarm: -
Telephone & whistle on Electric Light Plant.
(May 2013)

Three vehicle MVA on Rock
2013 Probie class receives their
shirts & class certifications.

(L-R) Caleb
Hatfield, Matt Rhodes, David Dieker, Matt Wilson, Ruben Cornwell &
Jordan Horner.
(April 2013)
Mulvane City Council finally accepts bid to build new Fire / EMS
After the third
bid letting, contractor Waltz, Harmon & Huffman was selected to
build the new 1.38 million dollar substation next to Kansas Star
(March 2013)
Fire Department welcomes six new recruits into the
New Member class.
- (L-R) Lt. Jason Mundell
T.O., Matt Rhodes, David Dieker, Matthew Wilson & Jordan
- Not Pictured; Reuben
Cornwell, Caleb Hatfield
7 of 17 new full time Paramedics being add to help
handle the new substation being built at Kansas Star Casino.
- (L-R) Brian Sleffel, Luke
Rivera, Kerry Hull, Cody VanDeest, Traci Rosendale, Heron
Juarez, Kevin Stoll.
Sumner County Fire District #12 Board Members
for 2013.
- (L-R) Steve Firkins,
Pres. Harry Sutton, Jim Cunningham, Lt. Fred Heersche, Jim
McDaniel, Travis Patterson.
- John Melick absent.
(February 2013)
Carson Bank

Call Mulvane PD at 316-777-4262 if you recognize
this man!

MVA on US-81 Highway, one fatality
News Report

MVA on K-15 Highway, one critical injury.
(January 2013)
Mulvane City Council accepts low bid from Toyne Fire of Breda, Iowa
to build a new medium duty Rescue Truck for Mulvane Fire Rescue.
The low bid of
$282,262 was accepted to build a 18' International 4 door cab 4x4
rescue truck. Ten vendors submitted bids.

Barn Fire on north Oxford Road, on the ground when
we arrived. Fire was started by the owners burn pit which they
thought had been out for a couple hours. CCFD #4 assisted
auto-aid with a tender out of Udall.
More pictures here!
Mulvane EMS adds new 2013 Tahoe.

This vehicle is assigned to EMS Captain Judi
Mulvane EMS now accepting
Applications for 7 full time Paramedics
Apply at HR Partners!
Fire Department New Member class starting January
15th, 7 new rookies!