2012 News Archive

(December 2012)

News Year Eve day house fire, Mutual Aid to Cowley
County FD #4 out of Udall.

New Design graphics for Mulvane EMS!

Ambulance 452 is placed into service!
(November 2012)
Hauled water
training exercise

More pictures here!
Units from Sedgwick County Station #36,
Butler County FD #3, Derby FD and Mulvane FD practice rural water
shuttles and drafting.
These drills are held in accordance with Auto-aid &
Mutual Aid agreements, and help us familiarize with other
departments equipment.
Ethanol BLEVE on
I-35, Kansas Turnpike MM 27.8

Single vehicle,
double fatality accident, one dog also perished.
The trailer was
considered "Empty" but still contained enough product to BLEVE 5 to
10 minutes after impact, he had been hauling Ethanol.
Had Emergency
Responders arrived a little quicker, the death toll might have been
higher. One KHP trooper did witness the BLEVE as he was
(October 2012)
Early morning
house fire

More photos here.
The newest arrival
to our fleet, a 2012 Osage Ambulance.

A-452 is an
additional truck we are putting on the street to help with call
volume, primarily due to the Kansas Star Casino.
Early morning
Structure Fire

Small hole in the fireplace mortar caught this
wall on fire. Fire was confined to 32" of wall space.

Ram vs Parked Dump
(September 2012)
MDA Boot Drive
raises over $2,500 in 4 hours!

More pictures here!
Pasture and wildland fire on Oxford Road.

Sedgwick County Station #36 and
Udall fire assisted. About 10 round bales burned and 15 acres
of pasture and cedar trees.
More pictures here!
(August 2012)
RFP are now
open for Mulvane Emergency Services Station #2.

UPDATE: All 10 bids rejected, will be rebidding.
Corn stubble and
hedge row fire

This 10 acre fire
was started from a smoldering stump, which was from a controlled burn several
days earlier.
30 mile an hour
winds blew hot embers into the corn stubble.
Sumner County is under a Burn Ban until
further notice.
Mutual Aid with
Sedgwick County.

6 Brush units, 2 Water
Tenders, 2 Engines, Rehab unit, Canteen unit & a Battalion Chief
Couple interesting pictures
from FF John Andrews.
More pictures on Facebook.
Old Settlers!~

See Garry's pictures here!
Auto-aid Fire with
Sedgwick County FD #1.

See Garry's pictures here!
Home was fully involved in
fire when neighbors reported it. No one was at home at the
Sumner County is
under a Burn Ban until further notice.
Structure Fire /
Stubble Fire in Cowley County.

Mulvane units
assisted Cowley County FD #4 from Udall.
Detached Garage Fire.

(July 2012)
Grass &
Residential Fire.

(June 2012)
Grass Fire!

Car Fire

Car vs. Building!

New commercial Ice
Maker for rehab!

Stores 80 lbs of ice, makes 200 lbs daily.
Mulvane City
Council approves design for new west Sub-Station.

Station will be built about
1420 North Broadway.

Station will house both Fire
& EMS.

Station should be in
operation by May 2013 and will have easy access to I-35 (Kansas
Turnpike) at exit 33.

Building is designed to
blend in with the Kansas
Star Casino.
(May 2012)

Firefighters work an early morning structure fire.

Short clip of a carpet cleaning van fire.

Fender bender sent two to the
hospital with minor injuries.

Location of new Fire and EMS Sub-station located
by Kansas Star Casino.
It will be located at 142nd North and US-81
Highway. Construction should be beginning by July.
(April 2012)

off I-35 at the Kansas Star Casino.
Garry's Pics here!
Congratulations to Paramedic Shawn Lamm on his promotion to
EMS Lieutenant!
(March 2012)
City Council appoints a
building committee to start design work on a new sub-station for
Mulvane West and the
Kansas Star Casino area.
(February 2012)

Two vehicle MVA
rollover on Rock Road.
(January 2012)
Mulvane City Council appoints building committee to start on Mulvane
West substation.
Committee is working on
interviewing Architects & selecting a location.
New Member class delayed this year due to too few applications!
to Jessica Whitehead, Darrell Dutcher & Nathan Yarnell for passing
the Probationary test and becoming full fledge firefighter!

Halebale Fire

Crews work for several hours to contain about 50 round hale bales
that caught on fire. High winds were posing a threat of
additional fires. Cowley County Fire District #4 autoaided
with a tender.
More pictures & video here!