Frequently Ask Questions
How do I schedule to use the M.E.S.
training room?
We no longer rent out the training room for private
How do I get a Home Day Care inspection?
How do I get a business
inspection or report a fire hazard?
Call 777-1551 or 777-4897.
- How do I get a Pyrotechnic Permit
for an indoor display?
- What is the CIty's requirements
on installing Fire Hydrants?
Hydrant requirements. Muller Storz
- Why are the Fire Hydrant Caps
painted different colors?
- It gives firefighters a quick reference to the water
capacity of the hydrant. Our caps are painted to NFPA standards.
Blue is best, 1,500 GPM +, Green is 1,500 - 1,000 GPM, Orange is 1,000 -
500 GPM, and Red is 500 GPM or less.
Can I burn in the City of Mulvane and how
do I get a permit?
How do I get a burn permit in Sumner
If you live in Fire District #12, you may call
777-4262 and give the dispatcher your information. There are no
fee's in Sumner County. Elsewhere in Sumner County you just need
to call 911 and the dispatchers will take your information.
How do I get a burn permit in
Sedgwick County?
You must stop by a Sedgwick County Fire Station and
fill out a permit.
- What is the ISO rating for the City of
- I live in the county, how come the
closest Fire Department to my home doesn't always respond?
- Fire districts were formed many years ago, usually by
Townships. Mulvane Emergency Services is responsible for the City of
Mulvane and Sumner County Fire District #12 (northern portion of Gore
Township). Rural areas surrounding Mulvane to the North and to the West
are not in our first response area. We do have Mutual Aid agreements
with Sumner County Fire District #9 (Belle Plaine) and Sedgwick County Fire
District #1 as well as Derby, Udall & Rose Hill Fire Departments. We
gladly respond to these areas if we are requested by the responsible agencies.
Since Mulvane has it's own 911 system, most of these calls do not go through
our dispatchers. We have to be notified by either Sumner or Sedgwick
County 911 centers.
- Why does Mulvane Ambulance respond into
areas but not the Fire Department?
- Mulvane EMS is responsible for a much larger demographic
area and has a different taxing base than the Fire Department. Mulvane
EMS also does Paramedic assists with other E.M.S. agencies.
- How do I schedule a Station Tour?
Call 777-1551.
hat's it like being a Volunteer Firefighter
for Mulvane Emergency Services?
How many people
are on the Fire Department?
We have three staff officers, the
Director of Public Safety, Fire Captain and a Fire Lieutenant. One of them is at work Mon-Sat from 6 am - 6 pm. They
are supported by 30 + volunteer firefighters, 8 fire reserves and 3 resource
Who can become a member?
Anyone over the age of 14 can apply to join the reserve program. Anyone over
the age of 18 can apply to join the Fire Department. To join E.M.S. you must be
a minimum of a Kansas State Certified E.M.T.
What is the application process like?
You will need to do the following:
Do the volunteers receive any reimbursement
for expenses?
Each member receives $4.00 for each call and $5.00 for each training meeting
that they attend. The reimbursements are paid the first meeting in
December. An extra $0.25 is paid for each of the following
qualifications; EMT, FF-1, FF-2, Driver Operator, and certain elected &
appointed positions.
How many hours would I have to put in?
We have a monthly business meeting on the 1st Thursday of each month
followed by a 2 hour training session. We have 3 hour training
sessions on the 3rd Thursday evenings of each month. Alternate meetings on the Saturday Mornings
can be held following any regular scheduled
meeting. Members missing more that 3 months in a row can be
automatically terminated. There are no set hours required.
Am I expected to respond while I’m at work?
No. Although we have a few people whose employers do allow them to
respond during work hours, the vast majority respond during their off hours.
Am I on call during certain hours or on certain days?
We do not have set shifts where we require people to be on call.
We expect you to respond if available. We understand that people have
other responsibilities and if we arrive on a scene and find that we don’t
have enough people, we will call for mutual aid.
What type of training will I receive?
Each new member of the department is required to go through 40 hours of
initial recruit training. We have various types of training taught on
the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. You will also be required to
maintain a current CPR, First Aid and Hazardous Material Awareness Level
training which are taught in-house. You will also have the opportunity
to attend training taught outside the department such as emergency medical
training, regional and state fire schools, and KU Fire Service Training
courses. All new members are to be certified to FF-1 level within 5
years of membership.
How soon would I be able to respond to calls?
After your 40 hours of initial training are complete, you will receive a
pager and can then start responding to calls.
When can I start driving the fire trucks?
New Members are on a 1 year probation period. During this time
they are expected to learn the equipment on the trucks and how to operate
them. When the member is released from probation they can be
checked off for driving. Members must be certified on each vehicle
before they are allowed to drive it. We also require an annual
recertification on each unit for all members.
Will I be expected to go into burning buildings after
my initial training?
NO! You will remain a trainee for six months. During that
six months you will be performing most other actions on any emergency scene.
You should never attempt to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable
I covered by insurance?
Yes. All
members are covered by worker’s compensation insurance for on-duty
accidents. As of July 1st, 2016, Kansas Workman's Compensation
pays volunteers the maximum
benefit of $627 per week. The Kansas death maximum benefit is $300,000.
Mulvane Firefighter’s Relief Association carries
on-duty disability insurance with a $275,000 death policy
and a weeky max benefit of $1,000 per week. We also carry an
Accidental Death & Dismemberment policy
that is in effect 24/7
with a death benefit of $250,000. These
payments starts immediately and cover in addition to worker's compensation.
Public Safety Officers Benefit (PSOB) death benefit as of
Oct. 2016 is $343,589.
The PSOB benefit covers you on any call and if you have a heart attack
within 24 hours of your last call. This is also referred to as the
Homeland Hero's Act.
Kansas State Firefighters Association (KSFFA) has a $65,000 death benefit
(Jan. 2017)
for members performing an activity of the organization.